Wednesday, August 12, 2009

silence talks

We often pick up a belief that to prove ourselves we will have to use words. And in case of arguments or debates these words often become harsh and hurting. Sometimes creating irreparable damages in relationships.

In case of your intimate circle you can freely talk, but in case of social or formal circle practicing firm silence is often more useful than openly expressing your views.

When we are a part of an argument then being silent is display of strength, not weakness, and often it can save us from complications.

Suppose you are a staunch honest guy, who wont mind defending it at any cost, but in today’s world it can make you a hated person if you keep on defending honesty in every circle you move.

Practical step will be keeping your belief to yourself and among trusted persons, when in big crowd practice silence, no matter how much you are provoked.

Being silent is too much of an advantage, first, it keeps your thoughts to yourself, hence it cant be used against you. Second it gives you an impression of strength, in your own circle you will observe people respect silent persons more than they respect chatterboxes. Third it cant be used as a trap against you, if you get involved in arguments easily, that can be used against you by a cunning rival, whereas silence will become golden. We all can easliy guess that if I start to list advantages of silence you will fall asleep by the time I finish.

Its best to use words as weapons not boomerang. Open your mouth not to argue but make a statement.


  1. trisha, your thoughts are inspiring, they are not "tiny"

    I have learned a lot from this post too.
    Thanks and best wishes!

  2. dearest brother,
    i am really happy that you learnt from this specific post, because i think silence is the companion of wise people. the more silent a person is chances are he is more wise.
    warmest affections,
