Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lover and soulmate

There is heaven and earth difference between them very often. We can always get ourselves a lover. It’s as easy as apple pie. No man or woman on earth is incapable of it. But only blessed beings get blessed with a soulmate.

Soulmate is a person who either shares our vision or accepts us with our vision as he accepts himself. Two souls either merge as one or stay side by side in perfect harmony.

Don’t want to go into details about lovers; everyone knows what a lover is. Even ten year olds can give a vague description of a lover.

Wise people don’t look for a soulmate in their mates, in place of that they just accept each other with all lacking and differences.

People use this term mostly without realizing its inner meaning and as a result are either happily ignorant through out their life or heart broken.


  1. Dear Sister, I like your definition of a soulmate.
    "Soulmate is a person who either shares our vision or accepts us with our vision as he accepts himself. Two souls either merge as one or stay side by side in perfect harmony."

    I still need to learn a lot.

  2. i loved your new profile picture. how i love the blue sky with scatttered clouds and a carpet of green, velvetty grass.... its awesome.

    I am really glad that you share my view. A lot of people will differ on the last part-stay side by side in perfect harmony.

  3. it keep getting better and better probably why i am still single after 8 years, i look for y soul mate but , they don`t run the streets ;)
