Monday, January 18, 2010


In today’s highly\ stressed life we all need some stress-busters from time to time. The mean colleagues, moron boss and grumpy fellow commuters, they often get on our nerves and make us wish that we could disappear from the scene of earth.


What are your favourite stress busters? Mine are songs, very light, feet tapping songs which simply snap me out of dullness or irritation. Like: Living La vida Loca” by Ricky Martin.


When I am in good mood I prefer songs with depth, like Rabindrasangeet or other songs which have deep inner meanings but when I am bored or stressed I hear things which shake my brain and blow the dust out.


Next stress-buster is a good, light movie or video clip. I keep a collection  of small clips, funny and cute. They too always snap me out of stress and sadness.


Then is a not very available thing. That is company of children. Small toddlers preferably, the ones who  have just started to explore the world on their own. They are the greatest fun to be around if you know how to handle them. They will always fill up their surrounding with a feeling of “well being”. If we can share their joy in mundane day to day things the life changes for atleast a short span.


Final one, even rarer is gardening. I love to care for plants, even though I am not a good gardener but taking care of plants relaxes me a lot.  Tilling the soil, de-weeding, sprinkling water on them to wash away the dust… every thing is soothing to me.


  1. Dear didi, I liked the last two. I don't see much difference in children and flowers.
    Both attract me because of their natural beauty.

  2. I always try to subscribe to comments of your blogs posts to be able to read your reply comments or to know that my comment is published. I just received an email wich proved to be a stress-buster because it was a signal that my sister is fine and is back!

    Sister, there is another good news for you that I have registered my Guiding Friends blog with a new domain name:

    I have only purchased a domain name otherwise it's still a blogger blog and can be reached through my Blogger profile.

    Dear sister I wish you all the best ever!

  3. dearest brother,
    so that explains that "test" post. i did not even realized the change in domain name :)
    So you are seriously entering the blog world. very best of luck.

    Children are God's image to me. Pure and adorable.

    with lots of affection.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow, didi you like to moderate your own comments.

    Best Wishes!

    Your brother,

  6. dearest brother,
    you will be glad to know that i have a pet kitten for me these days. she is really cute and playful and cuddly. :) her name is pixie.
    will post her pic very soon.
    with lots of affection,
